this is all claire falt ! but just do it for fun la since at home also nothing to do so yea =P than thank u looooo =P
RulesFirst of all, type 20 of your friend's names.
Second, answer all the questions.
Third, tag 5 ppl after you're done.
Fourth, do not use this unless you are tagged.
Fifth, do not change anything.
Last but not least, START TYPING.
Name 20 People
1. Hsu Wern
2. Chooi Fun
3. Claire
4. Tabby
5. Katrina
6. Acap
7. Catherine Seow
8. Kee Yik
9. Sean
10. Andrew Yeong
11. Yu chun
12. Sybil
13. Der Cherng
14. Xin Yi
15. Josiah
16. Woon Zhien
17. Suet Yen
18. Melvin Siow
19. Melanie
20. Jia Hwang
1.Does 4 like 9?
(tabby and sean )
sean doesn't even know her =-= lol ! but she knows him
2.Does 20 like 18?
(jiahwang and melvin )
i don't think tht melvin even know him .. haha
3.Does 20 and 19 make a good couple?
(jia hwang and melanie )
wth ! hahah XD melanie is like form 4 this year? and jia hwang is like only form 2 . lol !!!!
4.Do you think 6 likes 3?
(acap and claire )
as a friend of course !
5.Do you think 7 and 8 would make a good couple?
(catherine and kee yik )
hahahahahahha XD mayb ! hahahahahahahha XD
6.Does 13 like 15?
(der cherng and josiah )
i don't think der cherng even know him and so does josiah .. haha
7.Does 7 like 17?
(catherine and suet yen )
they don't even know each other ! haha
8.What kind of person is 19?
(malenie )
9. Is 3 kind?
(claire )
she hits ppl hard ! haha XD yea she is ! haha
10.Is 16 mean?
(andrew yeong )
YES HE IS ! haha XD
11.Do you think 2 and 7 are enemies?
(Chooi fun / catherine yee and catherine seow )
i don't think so .. besides catherine seow don't even know her and they have the same name =P
12.Does 7 like 5?
(catherine seow and katrina )
catherine disturbs kat almost all the time .. haha
13. Is 5 lame?
(katrina )
sometimes =P
14.Is 14 a good singer?
(xin yi )
er i don't knowww .. i never heard her sing b4 . lol
15.Does 4 have a a sense of humour?
(tabby )
sometimes ..
16.Is 8 fat?
( kee yik )
why does me and claire have the same problem ? haha both of our 8's is also kee yik haha XD we have the same mind =P errrrr.. look by yr self . lol
17.Is 10 pretty/handsome?
(suet yen )
yess she is ! haha very !!!!!
18.Do you think 12 has a nice personality?
(melvin siow )
sometimes he is sometimes he is not ! haha XD sry melvin . haha
19.Is 1 a good friend?
(hsu wern )
OF COURSE ! she is my husband okayyyy =] love her lots !
20.Is 5 a better friend than 1?
(katrina and hsu wern )
both is awesome !
21.Is 20 your enemy?
(jia hwang )
of course not ! he is like my buddie ! haha
22.Do you hate 17?
(suet yen )
why do i even wanna hate her ??? she is awesome okayyy haha XD
23.Do you think 12 is weird?
(sybil )
no i don't think she is ...
24.Do you think 16 is retarded?
(woon zhien )
haha XD yes i do think he is !haha
25.Does 3 eat alot?
yes she does !haha
26.Is 15 hot?
my son ? hot ?? yes he is ! haha XD see i so good jo .. lol
27.Does 15 and 14 make a good couple?
(josiah and xin yi )
errrrrr .. errrrrr.... *shocked and speechless O:
28.Is 3 rich?
i guess so ..
29.Is 2 poor?
(chooi fun)
nooooo ..
30.Is 19 smart?
(melanie )
yesssss !
31.Is 11 cool?
(yu chun )
errrrrr... she is weird . haha XD
32.Does 16 get scared easily?
(woon zhien )
errrrr. i don't think sooo cause i don't even knw wht is he scared off . haha
33.Is 16 stupid?
(woon zhien )
i don't think so ..
34.Does 12 like to read?
(sybil )
not at all .. haha XD
35.Does 7 like dancing?
(catherine seow)
yess she does .haha with me and kee yik
36.Does 6 study?
37.Does 11 have a blog?
38.Is 11 boring?
(yu chun )
39.Do you think 15 will end up with 3?
(josiah and claire )
end up as in like wht ???couple ? i dont know ..
40.Is 14 cute?
(xin yi )
yea she is .. haha
41.Is 9 hot?
hahahahahah XD yea ! as a pole dancer !!!!!!! hahahahahah XD
42.Is 9's personality like 3's?
(sean and claire )
i don't even think sean even knows her ..
43.Do you think 1 is handsome?
(hsu wern )
as my husband yes ! haha
44.Is 7 a nice person to talk to?
(catherine seow )
sometimes onlyyy when she has no mood not at all . haha
45.Does 9 like 1?
(sean and hsu wern )
errrrrr no comment . haha XD tht u need to go ask them =P
46.Does 9 know 19?
(sean and melanie )
i don't think sean even knows her .. and so does she . haha
47.Do you personally know 20?
(jia hwang )
of course ! we have been friends since standard 1 so it has been 8 years edi ..
48.Is 2's name a nice name?
(chooi fun )
yea of course =]
49.Is 4 a person who gets pissed easily?
(tabby )
sometimess ..
50.Is this the last question?
Hell yeahhh! -.-
I Tag : tabby , katrina , yee lee , suet yen , gan ying , yean ting , yun anne